Have You Voted?! Can You Vote?
If you have not voted yet, then Please Do So Now!
If you must wait until the polls open, then get there early!
If you are voting by mail then please get it in the mail NOW or better yet, take it to your local elections office.
Protect your right to vote. We have included some useful information below.
The following is taken from a diary at DailyKos.
Time Off to Vote for Employees — A State by State Survey
Most states require employers to provide time for employees to vote on election day. While these laws vary in each state, they generally require employers to give employees time off to vote if the polls aren’t open two or three hours outside of the employee’s regular shift.
Much more here:
Find your state and see what the law says. If you don't like it, then put it on your list of things to CHANGE in future local elections!
Sure you're registered? Check at www.CanIVote.org
ACLU Voter Protection Hotline (1-877-523-2792)
Lawyers' Committe Hotline (1-800-OUR-VOTE / 1-800-687-8683)
or go to www.OurVoteLive.org to report or follow irregularities.
Some additional information from RFK Jr.:
Heads up!!!!! RFK, Jr. Sends another warning!
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